Introducing my collection of toothpastes from around the world

When I travel, one of things I like picking up is toothpaste (inspired by Sasha Issenberg), 

In part because when you normally travel, you bring your toothpaste with you, so your mouth stays in your little bubble. In the US, we tend to prefer "medicinal" flavors but there are so many flavors around the world: salt, honey, aloe, miswak (a toothcleaning twig used in the Middle East and other regions).

The plan was always to have them in the bathroom, as I saw at Sasha's place, so guests could try them. I never got around to that. So they are still in the box.

Of course, mine is nothing on the order of Toothpaste World by Dr. Val Kolparkov, who is apparently a world record holder with some 1,800 toothpastes including a bunch of alcohol-flavored ones