Spring Awakening, national tour, in Miami. Theatre 5x what it was on Broadway. -- Sent from my Palm Pre. Forgive thumbos.
Epic Hotel in Miami is way stylized There is a window bt the bathroom and bedroom. (?) -- Sent from my Palm Pre. Forgive thumbos.
Windy Westchester airport. Kept thinking as landing: the closer we get to ground, the more likely we'll survive a crash. -- Sent from my Palm Pre. Forgive thumbos.
Smithsonian has an exhibit on lunch boxes in cafeteria. Remember Knight Rider? Why did lunch boxes disappear? -- Sent from my Palm Pre. Forgive thumbos.
My introducer at the Smithsonian, Cedric Yeh. Military historian. -- Sent from my Palm Pre. Forgive thumbos.
Curried tofu stew from BCD Tofu in Koreatown NYC I love all things curry. Curried tofu. Curry chicken. Curry Pringles. Curry Ramen. Curry spaghetti. Yummy. -- Sent from my Palm Pre. Forgive thumbos.
House where John Wilkes Booth planned the assassination of Lincoln is now restaurant, Wok and Roll. -- Sent from my Palm Pre. Forgive thumbos.
Entering the Dupont metro station in DC always feels like you're somewhere in the Death Star. -- Sent from my Palm Pre. Forgive thumbos.