Desserts at Per Se. One is sorbets. Others chocolate w something ma rshmallowy. -- Sent from my Palm Pre. Forgive thumbos.
Stages of a startup. This graph has been on @ycombinator's whiteboa rd for YEARS. -- Sent from my Palm Pre. Forgive thumbos.
A&J Restaurant in Cupertino Village. Why is it so popular? Always s o busy. -- Sent from my Palm Pre. Forgive thumbos.
YouTube is located in the old Gap headquarters in San Bruno? -- Sent from my Palm Pre. Forgive thumbos.
And @ycombinator is still very very male. No females in this class of 50+. -- Sent from my Palm Pre. Forgive thumbos.
Stanford Design School space. This isn't your father's lecture hall . Classes open to all grad students.